Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 2: Jeremiah 29:13

"When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." God's Decree. "I'll turn things around for you. I'll bring you back from all the countries into which I drove you"—God's Decree—"bring you home to the place from which I sent you off into exile. You can count on it."
-Jeremiah 29:13

Saturday; July 2, 2011
1:40 A.M.

I feel like all I can say is, I can not believe it has only been one day.

Short flight from Birmingham to Atlanta, a little bit longer flight from Atlanta to Washington D.C., 6 hour layover in D.C., 7 hour flight from D.C. to London, and an 8-9 hour flight from London to Nairobi.
Traveling for 24 hours. Ah.

On the plane from ATL to DC there were 2 of the cutest little boys! They were on our plane alone on their way to something called "People to People." It was some leadership rally that was definitely for the smarter kind of kids. The little boy couldn't have been 12, made clear by his adorable baby voice. He was saying things like, "Are they trying to carbon freeze us with this stuff?" and "You know, the way they built the engine on this plane makes it extremely cost efficient."

Like I said--SMART. It was precious.

So we get to DC and the layover really isn't that bad. I ate at Chipotle (one of my favorites!) as one of my last American meals for a while :(, and the rest of the time I worked on a pre-trip International World Changers booklet and listened to music!
The DC to London flight wasn't bad either. I watched a movie and slept pretty much the whole time! The London to Nairobi flight was the same, except no movie. I watched a little bit of TV, worked on my IWC booklet and slept. It was some amazing sleep, let me tell ya!

So we get to Nairobi and into the room where you get your VISAs, and the room is PACKED.
Literally a room FULL of people.

We stood in line for 2 hours and finally got our VISAs!
We then got our luggage (No one's luggage was lost! Woohoo!) and took a van to the hotel. Nairobi is not just farmland like most people would think or picture it to be. But it's not like Chicago or anything either (of course)! The people are exactly how I pictured them to be. African accents, dark skin, and for the most part friendly!

So we get to the hotel and Rob is here! I don't know why, I just feel a ton safer and better with him! We met in the hotel meeting room and talked a little about the week to come, got an updated schedule, and ate! The hotel cooked us some soup, rice, liver (definitely a no for me), fruit, pizza, garden salad, bread, and some other things! The garden salad looked super weird and we were told to steer clear from anything salad-esque due to sanitary reasons. So I didn't eat it! The pizza was WEIRD! It was like a little personal pizza but from there I was confused how it could be compared to pizza! Haha I have no idea what was on it except some sausage looking stuff. But it didn't taste like normal sausage. The soup was good and the fruit was AMAZING so that's basically what I ate! Haha pineapple and watermelon!

My first African dinner! :)

We left dinner and got back to our room only to find some lovely crickets by our beds, spiders on the floor, and a WHITE LIZARD on our shower wall. And the scary part is, I had already gotten in and out of the shower before we even realized it was there. I didn't notice it when I took my shower, Amber's the one that noticed it! Needless to say we squealed a little! So of course we ran to Rob's room, me with my wet head and jammies on, and he went and got some of the hotel staff to get it.
Rob was our hero! :)

The room is nicer than I thought it would be despite the bugs!

So anyway! Like I said! Long day. Only to wake up at 6:30 and travel some more to Ahero where we will be doing the construction!
I am so ready, but am already outside of my little American comfort zone.

Can't wait for tomorrow! :)


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